Bosan menunggu iPhone 5? Inilah iPhone 7!

Saat dunia penasaran dengan bagaimana bentuk dan spesifikasi iPhone 5, kami sudah dapat beberapa informasi tentang iPhone 7. Cari tahu yok di sini!

Saat dunia masih penasaran spesifikasi iPhone 5, beberapa produsen hape Cina bahkan sudah membuat iPhone 6, seperti bisa dilihat pada artikel ini. Terdorong rasa penasaran bagaimana bentuk iPhone 7 saya mengetikkan keyword iPhone 7 di Google dan...


Ingin tahu lebih jauh tentu saja saya mengklik beberapa website yang terlihat cukup meyakinkan...


Pada website nomor 1, yang nampak seperti gambar di bawah ini...


Rupanya beritanya hanya copy paste dari website lain tentang rilis iPhone 5 ( sebenarnya 4S).... Yahhh! Didorong oleh rasa penasaran yang lebih besar, membawa saya untuk mengklik website nomor 2 dan.... TADAAA!

Bosan menunggu iPhone 5? Inilah iPhone 7![/caption]

Di website ini rupanya ada  cukup banyak informasi seperti bagaimana fitur, spesifikasi, model,harga dan teknologi yang mungkin akan ada di iPhone 7.

Apple iPhone 7 Features and Expectations

It is really hard to guess what kind of features iphone 7 will have as we don’t know what kind of technology Apple will develop and apply in 2 years from now. But one thing is for sure that iPhone 7 is going to be better then iphone 4, 5, and 6. Apple keeps on improving it’s products by bringing latest technology and innovation.

You are definetly welcome to add a fews of yours. But here are some areas where we think, constantly and continuously improved features and specifications by Apple are inevitable:

1. More Applications

You can surely expect another thousand of very useful applications in Apple iPhone 7, all developers are working really hard to make more useful applications which will make your iphone better than other similar brands.

2. Better Technology

With the use of latest technology Apple iPhone 7 would be most advance iphone ever launched. New technology will make use of Apple iPhone 7 much more enjoyable. There would be Better Signal and recording audio quality, Improved Retina Display, a less glitchy FaceTime over 3G in Apple iPhone 7.

3. Better Camera Display Screen

You can surely expect screen of Apple iPhone 7 to be much better then iphone 4. There are several complaints received regarding poor screen of iphone 4, so apple will surely work on this and get your more user friendly screen options. Secondly, a 10 MP rear camera with 1080Pixel HD recording and a 2MP front facing camera might not be a big deal for Apple iPhone 7.

4. Improved Storage Capacity

Storage capacity of Apple iPhone 7 is expected to be around 150-200 GB, which is much more than current versions on iphone. You never know, apple may come up with the technology which allows you to do unlimited storage.

5. Fast Powerful Processor

As the storage capacity and technology of the Apple iPhone 7 increased you will also need a fast processor to carry on your activities, hence we are expecting apple to use much advanced processor for example Duel core A6 chip or better. Apple might use 1GHZ chip which will process all data at much faster rate.

Apple iPhone 7 Release Date

When will be the Apple iPhone 7 Release date? It’s a million dollar question definitely! Well, it will be 2013 I guess.

Why? Because, before the end of 2011, iPhone 5 will be launched. So the whole Q3 2011 will pass while roll-out of Apple iPhone 5. Let’s reserve year 2012 for Apple iPhone 6 Release to be on safe side.

Apple is in custom with releasing its new Cell Phone Device versions, almost every year in second of third quarter. With other factors remain constant, August - October 2013 could be Apple iPhone 7 Release Date.

Let's expect it.

Apple iPhone 7 Price

With advanced technology, new features, fast processor, and virtually unlimited storage (most probably coming through cloud), iPhone 7 prices are going to be either almost same or slightly over the current worth of upcoming Apple iPhone 5, which is expected to $400 for iCloud iPhone and $600 for iPhone 5.

Please keep in mind the difference of Price and Worth. Due to changes in currency value and other economic parameters, something worth 600 bucks today, could cost 700 bucks two years later.

However, we can’t make any exact guess on the prices but all we can say is that Apple is not known for raising prices drastically. Secondly, mounting global economic pressure and cut throat competition by Samsung and other Android Phones will keep the Apple well into boundaries.


Setelah membaca lebih teliti, sepertinya artikel ini hanya berisi spekulasi tanpa dasar yang konkrit. Tapi saya sedikit terhibur membaca 2 komentar lucu dari pembaca artikel tersebut.


Situs terakhir yang ingin saya kunjungi adalah Di situs ini ada logo "apel kroak" yang tdak keren sama sekali. Lebih lagi informasinya sama sekali tidak jelas.

Bosan menunggu iPhone 5? Inilah iPhone 7![/caption]

Well, kesimpulan dari mengunjungi ketiga situs ini, bahwa iPhone 7 memang akan ada, walaupun tidak ada informasi bermanfaat sama sekali yang bisa diharapkan (setidaknya sekarang). Sedikit penasaran saya kemudian googling informasi iPhone 8,9 bahkan 10 dan voila!!!!!!



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