Street Fighter X Tekken review round up
Bagaimana tanggapan reviewer jika dua kubu fighter dari Street Fighter dan Tekken dilawankan? Temukan jawabannya disini.

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OXM : "Marvel vs Capcom 3 was too wacky for your tastes, this sits comfortably write my essay between it and Street Fighter IV on the lunacy spectrum. spy sms without target phone free The tag mechanic is brilliantly robust, there are loads of new moves to master and the Tekken characters slot in more comfortably than a bum in a favourite armchair. Welcome to your new favourite fighting game." (9/10) Gamesradar : "You can expect another fast, fun, and technical Capcom fighting experience. The online code seems problematic, but that's hardly enough to sink what's otherwise another top-tier Capcom fighter. It's actually kind of amazing to see a fighter where literally half the cast is basically new. That's a lot to take in, so you'd best be ready to learn some new strokes if you want to swim in these turbulent crossover seas." (8/10) Eurogamer : "We already have Third Strike and Street Fighter 4. We don't need another one. This ripped, boisterous crossover game arrives in a blaze of creativity, one of an intensity rarely seen in Japanese game output of late. A fierce, passionate marriage then - but one that just might last." (9/10) X360A : "Street Fighter X Tekken is a triumphant marriage between two huge fighting franchises that could have quite easily been a mess. Filled to the brim with new characters and features, you'll be hard-pushed to find a bigger, better, more vibrant and appealing fighting game out there. Hadoken, indeed." (90) Videogamer : "As an experiment and a sequel, though, Street Fighter X Tekken is still a resounding and admirable success, and further proof than Ono-san is hiding true genius behind those scruffy cords and pudgy cheeks. In this battle of Street Fighter and Tekken, Capcom has landed the first knockout blow. I can't wait to see how Namco responds." (8/10) Gamespot : "Street Fighter X Tekken provides phone spy complex combat in an inviting package. The fighting genre needs to become accessible to a wider range of players, and this game takes an important step in the right direction. Accessibility that doesn't come at the expense of variety is a smart move and sets this fun and flashy fighter apart from the pack." (8.5/10)
IncGamers : "A brilliantly produced fighter than manages to add greater variety via the Tekken cast. Put the time in and you'll be rewarded." (9/10) IGN : "The fast pace of the combat and fluidity of the tag mechanics truly bring Street Fighter X Tekken to paid to write essays the top of the fighting game heap. The Gem system is a fine addition that manages to do something daring by offering some new strategy to the fighting, and the two rosters complement each other very well. Street Fighter X Tekken is a fantastic fighting game that nails the basic fighting mechanics while daring to take a few risks with the formula as cell phone spy software forum we know it; the pressure is on Namco Bandai to deliver something better with Tekken X Street Fighter." (9.0) Shopto : "Street Fighter X Tekken is something we only would have dreamt of, with two separate companies, each fighting for a piece of the same fighting pie. It seems strange for both to have agreed for their characters to go up against each other, however it's also a fanboys dream come true. Sometimes having trifle as a dressing for your main course does work. (Excellent)