The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two!

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The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two!

Setelah Killer Instinct: Season Two dirilis bulan lalu (baca: Killer Instinct Season 2 Dirilis, Tetap Eksklusif Xbox One!), akhirnya kita mendapatkan tambahan karakter baru. Setelah T.J. Combo dan Maya yang menjadi pilihan baru di Season 2 ini, kini kita mendapatkan Kan-Ra, seorang penyihir Babilonia berusia 2534-tahun.

Dikonfirmasikan oleh creative director Microsoft Studio Adam Isgreen melalui forum resminya, Kan-Ra dikisahkan sebagai seorang petinggi kerajaan dari masa 559 BC yang dikutuk agar badannya selamanya membusuk setelah dia diketahui berniat menggulinggan rajanya yang mengarah pada ratu yang bunuh diri. Dia menguasai dark magic, serta ahli dalam memanipulasi elemen.

The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two!

Mereka yang memiliki Killer Instinct: Season Two - Ultra Edition akan mendapatkan Kan-Ra pada 24 November besok, sedangkan pemain lain (pembeli paket Combo Breaker) harus menunggu sampai 30 November untuk bisa mencoba penyihir asal Babel ini. Developer juga menyinggung jika mereka saat ini memang tidak berencana membuat versi PC, namun hal itu bisa saja mereka lakukan di kemudian hari.

Berikut informasi mengenai Kan-Ra yang dibagikan oleh Microsoft Studio.

Age: 2534

Height: 5’11”

Blood Type: (when he had it) O

Nationality: Babylonian

Gender: Male

Type: Sorcerer

Personality Traits: Arrogant, inquisitive, confident, and expressive

Weapon: Dark magic, matter manipulation


Part of his backstory

Babylon, 559 BC: Kan-Ra is named Vizier, head advisor to the throne.

Over his years of study in this position, he becomes fascinated with the King’s enigmatic royal guard – a living bronze statue – and the magic that keeps it alive. From all of Kan-Ra’s cautious attempts to observe and study the creature, he deduces that its power source could theoretically keep it alive forever. The thought of being able to study and learn until the end of time enthralls Kan-Ra and feeds his obsession for knowledge.

Scholarly research in the royal libraries into past wonders and lost arts of magic fuels his ambition; Kan-Ra feels that as the smartest person in Babylon only he is qualified to rule. He seduces the King’s wife using a charm spell and begins setting in motion a plan to take the throne by using the Queen as his assassin.

Lacking the power to control the spell effectively, it wears off prematurely. The Queen, thinking herself simply coming to her senses after being seduced by Kan-Ra, is overwhelmed by guilt, killing herself and leaving a note detailing her and Kan-Ra’s betrayal.

Enraged, the King has Kan-Ra hunted down and captured by his royal guard, who brings a bloodied a broken Kan-Ra before the throne. The King summons his most powerful sorcerers and curses Kan-Ra with a withering rot- a painful dark magic curse that disintegrates flesh and organs slowly… painfully. Writhing in agony, rotting a bit more every day, Kan-Ra is exiled, he and his ambition doomed to wither away into nothingness.

In exile Kan-Ra uses what little knowledge he has gained of magic to slow the rot. While the King assumes him dead, Kan-Ra’s intellect is focused on reversing the rot so that he can have his revenge. He tracks down sorcerers and occultists versed in dark magic, learning what he can. Unable to slow his rot further, he instead places upon himself other curses that work to offset the rot. He seeks out magical artifacts and talismans to ease the pains and ailments these layers of curses cause him, carrying them on him in ever-growing number; a magical balancing act of curses and boons at play throughout his being. be continued!

The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two! The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two! The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two! The Mummy Returns Dalam Killer Instinct: Season Two!

Killler Instinct Kan-Ra Trailer

[youtube_embed id="-KZt4jbi8Gs"]

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