CasCon Asia 2014: Firebeast Studio, The Rise of Game Developer from Medan

In the break time of last Prize Showcase Casual Connect 2014, Duniaku had the chance to chat with Steven Aang, Co Founder from Firebeast Studio. To Duniaku, Steven described his impression when he joins Indie Prize and also told a bit about how the game developer’s atmosphere in Medan.

CasCon Asia 2014: Firebeast Studio, The Rise of Game Developer from Medan

Casual Connect Asia 2014 which lasts from 20 to 22 May 2014 remains many interesting stories. One of them is Firebeast Studio, developer from Indonesia who succeeds to place one of their games, Zombo Buster to join Indie Prize event. Not only getting a chance to be presented in Indie Prize Showcase, but this game also attracts judges’ enthusiasm which finally determines it as nominee in Best Desktop Game category.

Maybe there are many of you who haven’t known that this Firebeast Studio is from outside Java Island, to be exact from Medan. Although they are young enough and come from city out of Indonesian game developer’s radar which is centered in Java, but the Firebeast’s achievement had been shown last year. At that time, they succeeded in placing their game, Evilgeddon Spooky Max to become nominee in Flash Gaming Summit 2013 event. Besides Firebeast, one more developer from Medan who also joins this Indie Prize is Tacticos Studio who comes with some of their puzzle games.

In the break time of last Prize Showcase Casual Connect 2014, Duniaku had the chance to chat with Steven Aang, Co Founder from Firebeast Studio. To Duniaku, Steven described his impression when he joins Indie Prize and also told a bit about how the game developer’s atmosphere in Medan. Check the interview below!

Duniaku (D): What makes Firebeast want to join Indie Prize?

Steven (S): Actually there is no plan from Firebeast to join Indie Prize because FIrebeast’s game is like newbie’s. However, we have no idea why suddenly we want to submit it just for fun. Finally we were contacted by Indie Prize committee and told that both of our games pass. We actually never expect it but we carry on!

D: At first, how is the expectation for Indie Prize like?

S: At first I thought Indie Prize is an event just for showcase but in reality it’s really different. I meet many developers both from Indonesia and overseas. We share many things about game development and try each other’s game of course.

D: How is the impression after participating Indie Prize and showcase in Casual Connect yesterday?

S: I swear it is really exciting! Besides learning new things I also get many new friends. I want to attend again next year if there is any Firebeast game which pass.. hehe..

D: What is the most impressive suggestion from the visitor about the game you bring?

S: Suggestions from visitors are almost the same especially from the publisher. All of them ask when the Firebeast game will be released for mobile platform. We are also motivated to move on to mobile because for them we are too long trapped in flash platform.

D: Related to game developer in Medan, so far it seems out of radar. How is the game developer game like?

S: There are not many game development personnel in Medan. There are game developers in Medan that has created game but not being reported by local media. We are one of them, if it’s not because of Indie Prize 2014 event, Firebeast will not be exposed by media, isn’t it?

CasCon Asia 2014: Firebeast Studio, The Rise of Game Developer from Medan Steven Aang demonstrating Zombo Buster[/caption]

D: Is there any regular event like gathering or such?

S: There is no huge gathering yet, but we often hang out with acquainted developers.

D: What is FIrebeast’s expectation for game developer in Medan?

S: Although profession as game developer in Medan is still considered uncommon, we expect game developer in Medan keep creating and hopefully can form a community. Let’s make game development as a new hope in creative industry in Medan?

D: About Firebeast itself, when was it formed and until now how many are the members?

S: Firebeast was formed two years ago, to be exact in June 2012. The members from the very beginning until now are four members. Very indie, isn’t it?

D: What is the short term plan from Firebeast?

S: The short term plan is to solve all of or projects which still are under development including some games that are in porting to mobile platform stage.

D: How about the long term?

S: For the long term, it’s still secret. Wait for the date!

D: Besides two games which are brought in Indie Prize yesterday, currently what games are you creating?

S: Currently we are doing the sequel from Zombo Buster, Zombo Buster Rising. This game is planned to be released to mobile platform and others if it’s possible, hehe…

D: Thank you for the time. Wish the best for Firebeast Studio!

S: You are most welcome!

Interested to try games originated from Medan? You can try some of them from these links.

Zombo Buster

Mighty Knight

Evilgeddon Spooky Max

Keep moving forward Indonesian game!

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