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Kata-kata hero Mobile Legends memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi pemainnya. Kata-kata tersebut mencerminkan sifat dan latar belakang dari masing-masing hero. Penasaran dengan apa saja yang mereka sebutkan di game? Yuk simak daftarnya di sini!
[duniaku_baca_juga] Quote atau kata-kata dari hero MOBA memang menjadi ciri khas tersendiri yang mampu mengingatkan kita pada hero tertentu. Mobile Legends pun memiliki banyak hero dengan kata-katanya masing-masing. Di sini, akan menyajikan daftar kata-kata hero Mobile Legends. Yuk cek daftarnya di sini![page_break no="1" title="Miya Quote"]
Pemilihan hero
"Wise choice!"Ketika bermain
- "I can handle that!"
- "It's better to die with honor than live in shame!"
- "Where do you think you're going? You can't outrun my arrow!"
- "It's great to meet you, my friends"
- "I can hit your left eye a mile away"
[page_break no="2" title="Zilong/Zhao Yun Quote"]
Pemilihan hero
"Zhao dragonborn is here!"Ketika bermain
- "It would take an army to stop me!"
- "Hahaha! Your whole body is a weak spot"
- "Only the fearless heart can sort of the heavens"
- "Your impudence will not be tolerated"
Ketika mati
"There's glory and redemption in every death..." [duniaku_adsense][page_break no="3" title="Franco Quote"]
Pemilihan hero
"I love the smell of gun power in the morning!"Ketika bermain
- "One shot, one kill!"
- "And then, I'll teach you guys a lesson."
Ketika mati
"Chicken wing..."[page_break no="4" title="Layla Quote"]
Pemilihan hero
"We can do it!"Ketika bermain
- "Keep it up, until you are as brilliant as me!"
- "I will drive away the darkness."
- "Ha!"
- "Time to shine!"
[page_break no="5" title="Hayabusa Quote"]
Pemilihan hero
"Let me clear the way for my master."Ketika bermain
- "Have you seen any other ninja?"
- "Betrayal must be paidback by blood!"
- "Shadow is my best partner."
- "The shadow will pierce you"
- "Hey, mind your weakness!"
- "Witness the true power of the shadow!"
- "Body must obey the mind."
- "Shadowkill!!!"
Ketika mati
"I will not escape, that's the way of the ninja!" [read_more link="" title="5 Hero Mobile Legends Lama Ini Mendapatkan Model Baru, Lho!"]Masih ada kata-kata hero Mobile Legends selanjutnya dari Tigreal, Karina, Saber, Balmond, dan Moskov di halaman kedua!
[page_break no="6" title="Tigreal Quote"][duniaku_baca_juga]
Pemilihan hero
"For Honor!"Ketika bermain
- "AHAHAH! A true hero has come to help."
- "Go on! sound the horn of victory."
- "A warrior's duty, is to bring victory."
- "Slay them all!"
- "A real man never hides in a brush."
Pemilihan hero
"My pleasure"Ketika bermain
- "There are wonderful things in this world, worthy of our protection"
- "Nothing can stop us"
- "Aside evil, there is justice"
Pemilihan hero
""Ketika bermain
"Too slow" "Watch your head!" [duniaku_adsense] [page_break no="9" title="Balmond Quote"]Pemilihan hero
"What's your name boy?!"Ketika bermain
- "The Hellfire will burn you to ashes!"
- "Fools! Let me show you the demonic power."
- "Taste the fury of hell!"
- "Another reckless fool!"
Ketika mati
"Impossible..." [page_break no="10" title="Moskov Quote"]Pemilihan hero
"The path of vengeance burns me."Ketika bermain
- "Everyone changes, so do I."
- "Death is required"
- "Death is quiet and pleasant"
- "I've already fallen to the abyss."
- "Fate is so unfair."
- "The spear of destiny hit me, and will hit you."
Ketika mati
"I can't die, not now." Itulah bagian pertama dari seri artikel kata-kata hero Mobile Legends. Apakah kamu mengetahui kata-kata lain yang belum tertulis dari berbagai hero di atas? Atau kamu ingin meminta kata-kata dari hero favorit kamu yang belum tertera? Kamu bisa menuliskannya di kolom komentar! [read_more link="" title="5 Fighter Mobile Legends Terkuat yang Bisa Menjadi Ujung Tombak Tim"]Pameran komunitas Game terbesar di Indonesia! Coba berbagai macam game dan dapatkan doorprize di GAME PRIME 2017, Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 29-30 Juli 2017. Info >>>