Beberapa Selebritis Hollywood Puji Kualitas MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Beberapa selebritis Hollywood, mulai dari aktor hingga sutradara mengapresiasi kualitas Metal Gear Solid (MGS) V: The Phantom Pain dan juga kejeniusan Hideo Kojima.

Beberapa Selebritis Hollywood Puji Kualitas MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Hideo Kojima sempat mengungkapkan rasa kagumnya terhadap bagaimana Rockstar membangun Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V, dan memberikan standar kualitas yang tinggi untuk game-game open world. Bahkan Kojima mengaku sedih saat melihat trailer versi Xbox One, PS4 dan PC dari game tersebut, karena juga memberikan standar visual yang tinggi untuk game-game current gen. Jika Kojima mengagumi GTA V, maka tidak dengan beberapa selebritis di Hollywood yang justru menunjukkan kekagumannya terhadap apa yang ditampilkan Kojima dalam trailer E3 2014 Metal Gear Solid (MGS) V: The Phantom Pain lalu.

[youtube id="-pPXuFNGEr8"]

Beberapa selebritis tersebut, mulai dari produser beberapa film Marvel Avi Arad, hingga sutradara Pacific Rim Guillermo del Torro memberikan komentar mereka mengenai trailer tersebut, yang ditampilkan di halaman website resmi The Phantom Pain. Mereka sangat mengapresiasi kejeniusan Kojima dalam menggarap The Phantom Pain. Bahkan del Torro mengungkapkan, bahwa Kojima sudah menjadi salah satu inspirasi terbesarnya. Menariknya, saat perilisan Pacific Rim tahun lalu, Kojima mendapatkan kesempatan istimewa untuk menyaksikannya lebih dulu sebelum film tersebut dilempar ke pasaran, dan mengungkapkan kekagumannya atas hasil karya del Torro tersebut.

Berikut adalah komentar dari Avi Arad, produser beberapa film Hollywood Marvel seperti X-Men dan Spider-Man.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a stunning presentation. The trailer is full of symbolism and philosophy that we come to expect from Mr. Kojima. Although cleverly disguising the story and therefore making the trailer enticing, Mr. Kojima makes sure to include enough visuals to make us comfortable that we are in for a new Metal Gear experience. For me, the sight of the Diamond Dogs and Snake putting the ashes on his face with multiple urns make me believe that a lot of history is going to be dealt with. If one listens carefully to the amazing song, Nuclear by Mike Oldfield, it is fantastic story telling that gives us enough of a window to know we are about to embark on another emotional masterpiece by Mr. Kojima. Kiefer Sutherland as the voice of Snake is just fantastic while raising the drama, and makes us long to play the game.

Beberapa Selebritis Hollywood Puji Kualitas MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Selanjutnya ada Nicholas Winding Refn, sutradara dari Drive dan Only God Forgives.

Watching the trailers for MGSV makes you wonder if the spirits of Dostoyevsky, Stanley Kubrick, and Caravaggio entered Hideo Kojima's body because, using the art of gaming as his canvas, he boldly goes where no one has gone before. The trailers for Metal Gear Solid V, prove once again that Hideo Kojima is a master at portraying a wider and more complex view of human nature combined with breathtaking action sequences. A daring and bold move from one of the founders of the future of technology. With Metal Gear Solid V, Hideo Kojima has created the perfect marriage of cinematic storytelling and cutting edge gaming technology. For me, it all culminates into one word: Genius.

Tidak ketinggalan, komentar menarik dari Guillermo del Torro, sutradara dari Pacific Rim dan Pan's Labyrinth.

Kojima-San remains a massive inspiration for me and METAL GEAR continues to deliver the edgy, vital, jaw-dropping world and feel that we have come to expect but it pushes the envelope every single time. It is a window into the future of the medium and its breathless narrative and artistic expansion. Amazing!

Selain itu, ada juga aktor dari The Walking Dead, Norman Reedus yang memberikan apresiasinya.

Wow!  That is AMAZING!

So beautiful … So well done.

You guys created such an incredible piece of art.

Bahkan Park Chan-Wook, sutradara dari Old Boy dan Stoker mengaku ingin menonton film yang disutradarai oleh Kojima, dan menganggap MGS V adalah contoh sebuah film masa depan...

I have always been thinking that I want to see a film directed by Mr. Kojima, but after seeing the latest trailers for Metal Gear Solid V, I realised I was wrong. He has actually been making films in his own way already. Metal Gear Solid games are already films, the films of the future.

Bagaimana Kojima? Dengan banyaknya apresiasi dari Hollywood ini, apakah Anda masih kurang percaya diri dengan kualitas MGS V: The Phantom Pain?

[Sumber: MGS V Official Site]

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