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Karakter rahasia Smash Bros selanjutnya bakal dari Street Fighter?
Super Smash Bros untuk 3DS dan Wii U baru saja mendapatkan update besar. Selain menghadirkan DLC kostum Mii dan Mewtwo sebagai karakter rahasia Smash Bros, tampaknya update ini juga bertujuan untuk menyiapkan landasan bagi update-update mendatang. [read_more link="" title="Prabowo dan Jokowi Bertarung di Super Smash Bros"] Seorang user Reddit bernama shinyquagsire23 menemukan beberapa hal menarik ketika mendekripsi data update Smash Bros 3DS. Inilah yang dia sebutkan:Ok, so I just got the latest update decrypted, and I think I have some news which might be rather interesting. First things first, new sounds. In /romfs/sound/bgm we have a slew of new sounds (and some old ones from prior updates since each update overwrites the other). The list is:[read_more link="" title="Bakal Susah Nolak Fan Service Super Smash Bros. Yang Satu Ini!"] Lewat Nintendo Direct lalu, kita tahu bahwa Lucas akan menjadi karakter rahasia Smash Bros selanjutnya setelah Mewtwo. Namun Roy dan Ryu adalah hal baru! [youtube_embed id="zwIhEXVRCog"]Now obviously the biggest sticklers are Ryu, Mewtwo, Roy, and Lucas. Not sure who Ryu is (although if anyone does know, please tell),. However, Roy most intrigued me. Did they update the koopa kid's sound for some reason? Or is there more? So I converted the 4 sounds which most stuck out to me:
- snd_bgm_F27_AIR_MoriStage_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_H12_BW_Sentou_Zekrom_Reshiram_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_SF01_SF2_Ryu_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_T09_SDX_PupupuLand_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_V01_PAC_PacMan_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_Z80_F_Mewtwo_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_Z81_F_Ryu_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_Z82_F_Lucas_3DS.nus3bank
- snd_bgm_Z83_F_Roy_3DS.nus3bank
Most of these are victory screens, all but the first Ryu sound file which seems to be a new stage. Now here's the kicker: Roy's victory theme is the Fire Emblem victory theme. Yes, we're getting Roy back guys! I'll continue exploring around if I can, it's a bit late here unfortunately and I might not be back for a while though. EDIT: I just looked into it, apparently Ryu is from Street Fighter EDIT 2: Went ahead and ran a file listing on every updated file (although, granted, this also includes every update from before 1.06), txt file is here. Nothing too special, wouldn't run to any conclusions from just a file list. EDIT 3: Just to clarify, this is from a 3DS decryption, not Wii U. No idea what's in the Wii U files, and I don't have a Wii U to verify that.
- snd_bgm_SF01_SF2_Ryu_3DS
- snd_bgm_Z81_F_Ryu_3DS
- snd_bgm_Z82_F_Lucas_3DS
- snd_bgm_Z83_F_Roy_3DS