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"It was my pleasure to meet Mr. Stan Lee back ini 1994, along with Mr. Samuel & Mr. Victor Hadida! I read that Chris Hemsworth (star of "Thor" and brother of Liam Hemsworth, "The Expendables 2") would like me to costar in "The avengers 2" movie! Well, it would be fun to play one of these types of amazing comic book characters again. By the way, I am a big fan of Marvel's superhero Silver Surfer and also another heroic fictional character known as Doc Savage - the Man of Bronze!"Kalau Van Damme sangat antusias, bagaimana dengan Marvel, apakah mereka akan memberinya kesempatan? Entahlah, yang pasti sampai sekarang masih belum ada informasi apapun mengenai The Avengers 2, karena naskahnya sendiri masih belum selesai dan masih dikerjakan oleh Joss Whedon. Namun besar kemungkinan kalau para superhero yang masuk dalam Marvel's Phase II seperti Iron Man, Thor, Captain America dan Guardians of the Galaxy akan bergabung di film kedua nanti. Lalu bagaimana menurutmu, kalau Jean-Claude Van Damme ikut bermain di The Avengers 2? Ok atau tidak? Sumber: CBM