Elizabeth Olsen Adalah Scarlet Witch di Avengers: Age of Ultron?

Nama Elizabeth Olsen kini menjadi perbincangan hangat. Meski pihak Marvel Studios belum mengkonfirmasi, namun dalam sebuah wawancara, Samuel L. Jackson justru menegaskan kalau Elizabeth Olsen akan berperan sebagai Scarlet Witch dalam Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of UltronAvengers: Age of Ultron
“I don’t think we begin shooting before March of next year,” Jackson said of “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” the next film to begin shooting in the Marvel universe.  ”I know we’re shooting in London, that James Spader is Ultron and going to be the bad guy, and that we added Ms. [Elizabeth] Olsen [who will play the Scarlet Witch], but I don’t know what she’s doing, if she’s on the inside or the outside. I haven’t seen a script."
Avengers: Age of UltronSumber: The Wall Street Journal