Christopher Nolan Tolak Justice League of America!

Kabar buruk untuk Warner Bros. Sukses menggarap trilogi Batman tak membuat Christopher Nolan tertarik untuk mengerjakan Justice League of America. Mampukah Justice League menyaingi kesuksesan The Avengers?

Seiring suksesnya reboot trilogi Batman (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises), nama Christopher Nolan pun masuk dalam jajaran penulis naskah dan sutradara paling diperhitungkan di industri perfilman Hollywood. Sekalipun telah menggandeng sutradara Gangster Squad, Will Beall, untuk menggarap naskah Justice League of America, namun banyak pihak yang mengharapkan campur tangan Nolan dalam film ini, mengingat tak ada film layar lebar dari DC yang sesukses The Dark Knight. Sayangnya Christopher Nolan telah menyatakan bahwa ia tidak ingin terlibat dalam proyek Justice League of America: 

"No, none at all. We're finished with all we're doing with Batman. This is the end of our take on this character."

Man of SteelThe Dark Knight Rises

"Batman will outlive us all, and our interpretation was ours. Obviously, we consider it definitive and kind of finished. The great thing about Batman is he lives on for future generations to reinterpret, and obviously, Warners will have to decide in the future what they're going to do with him. We've had our say on the character. I've got no plans to do anything more, and certainly, no involvement with any Justice League project."

Green LanternJustice LeagueThe AvengersSumber: Movieweb