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Deadpool mungkin tidak tampil di Logan. Tapi sudah dipastikan dia akan tampil di judul heboh lain dari franchise X-Men, yakni film X-Force!
[duniaku_baca_juga] Untuk yang belum tahu, X-Force biasanya disajikan sebagai tim rahasia dari X-Men. Tak seperti para X-Men yang biasanya harus menangani urusan-urusan khas pahlawan super, X-Force lebih banyak menangani masalah-masalah seperti pembunuhan ancaman kaum mutan. Dengan kata lain, ini memang tim yang lebih cocok untuk Deadpool. Peran Deadpool di film X-Force langsung dikonfirmasi oleh produser Simon Kinberg. Dia menyampaikan begini,"We are working hard on New Mutants, Gambit with Channing Tatum, Deadpool 2 and the new X-Force movie where Deadpool is alongside Cable and other main characters. Deadpool 2 is going into production this year. Then X Force which is a combination of Deadpool, and Cable, they're like the Black ops of the X-Men. They're much darker and have an R-rated decibel. There are other X-Men characters coming into X-Force at different times in the comic, but it's separate from X-Men. There is a larger architecture to tell these stories in. I talk to the studio all the time about this and there is a plan for how these movies can connect and be a part of a larger narrative. It's something that's fun, exciting and it will be interesting to see how we marry the different tones that we've been generating in these standalone movies of the X-Men universe. But we go into making the best movie we can. It's not just about a Colossus or Deadpool cameo. Connecting all of these movies will happen when it organically makes sense. These movies aren't simply being built as stepping stones to a larger story. Each one is wholly enclosed and a movie worth seeing."