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Sutradara Dean Israelite mengungkap kalau Saban Entertainment memang sudah berencana membuat enam film Power Rangers. Siap nonton lima film lagi?
[duniaku_baca_juga] Rupanya memang sudah bukan masanya lagi memperhitungkan trilogi untuk film superhero. Sementara DC dan Marvel jalan sendiri-sendiri dengan Cinematic Universe-nya, Saban Entertainment sudah merencanakan membuat enam film Power Rangers. Sebuah rencana yang sangat ambisius. Rencana enam film Power Rangers ini pertama dikonfirmasi oleh Haim Saban sang produser film. Lalu Dean Israelite mengonfirmasi rencana bosnya itu saat diwawancara oleh Entertainment Weekly.“It is true that the Saban team, even before I came on to this project, had a document that laid out six movies, so Haim isn’t just saying that flippantly... Obviously I was just incredibly focused on getting this one right and setting up the origin story while thinking about teasing the second one, so as far as I’ve gotten in terms of real discussion, creatively, we’ve only gotten kind of into the second one. We just haven’t had the time to really sit down and talk about the full six, but there’s no doubt there is enough material for it, absolutely no doubt that the franchise could be that big.”
“What’s exciting to me is we’re breathing life into tangential characters, in a way...Zordon has a lovely, robust backstory, as does Rita. Imagine a prequel that was all about Zordon and Rita and their relationship and their Power Ranger team… There is a way to branch off into other parts of the mythology that this film tees up that were never truly explored in the show.”