War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

Nearing the end of November, Lyto flood us with so many new updates for Ragnarok Online 2. Other than presenting a new server called Loki on 20 November, Lyto also added a new feature called War of Imperium.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

Nearing the end of November, Lyto flood us with so many new updates for Ragnarok Online 2. Other than presenting a new server called Loki on 20 November, Lyto also added a new feature called War of Imperium.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

War of Emperium is a war among guilds to take over Prontera Fortress. Every guild member will be allies in guild war while other guilds are automatically turned into enemies. Every guild participates in the guild war will fight each other and attack Prontera Fortress. The attackers can also gained the upper hand by taking over more than 3 small emperiums that will give the guild members a unique attack skill. After destroying Prontera Fortress, the attackers will face the last battle before attacking the main Emperium. This War of Emperium event is scheduled on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 19:00 to 20:00. Curious to see how exciting this War of Emperium event? Let’s watch the video below!

Wow, it surely looks exciting! However, it’s not the only update. There will also be Winter Night event that will be held until 19 December 2013. Along with the season’s change in Rune Midgard world, there appears new NPCs that will give you challenges you never had before. The challenges consist of Main Mission and Daily Mission where there will be interesting prize if you can finish it. The first one is NPC Brenna at Prontera. She will give you a string of main mission to be finished.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

The next one is NPC Strange Talking Flower. This NPC takes shape of a woman with a strange plant body that will give 2 new daily mission for RO mania. Level 15 and above players can partake in those mission by finding NPC Strange Talking Flower at South Plains.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

There is also NPC Zeras Doppelganger. This NPC who looks a lot like Zeras Hyperion will give 3 daily mission with considerable difficulty. Level 20 and above players can receive the mission by finding Zeras Doppelganger at Izlude Hill.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

The last one is NPC Strange El Shima. You can find this NPC on top of Verta Delta Hill. NPC Strange El Shima awaits for the strongest Heroes from Rune Midgard with two new daily mission for Level 40 and above players.

War of Imperium and Winter Night: The Latest Update from Ragnarok Online 2!

Whenever you finished the main mission or the daily mission from the above NPCs, you will get Sif Favor Token. It can be exchanged with many cool prizes by meeting NPC Ragnar at Prontera, right next to NPC Brenna. These updates surely will make the adventure much more fun!

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