Video Kocak GGJ 2016 Indonesia Ini Pasti Bikin Kamu Pengen Ikutan!
Dijamin, video ini bakal buat kamu ingin ikutan bikin game selama 48 jam bersama developer game dari seluruh dunia!
Seminggu lagi, GGJ 2016 Indonesia akan segera digelar. Video yang dibuat panitia dari berbagai site di Indonesia ini pasti bikin kamu pengen ikutan!
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Tahun 2016 ini menjadi keikutsertaan ketiga Indonesia dalam event game jam internasional
Comic book colours: Your game uses only 4 colours, with an emphasis on contrast - Accessibility, Art, Design, PervasiveLEGO Got It Right: There are no spoken or written words in this game. This is even true in the instructions - Pervasive, Accessibility
The Bard's Tale: 2016 is 400 years since the death of Shakespeare. Build a game around one of his works - Content
A local game for local people: Make a game that features your country, city, or people that jam around you - Content, Theme
Where in the world is…: Gameplay or art changes depending on the player's geographical location (GPS, IP location, etc). The game experience is therefore significantly different for players all around the globe - Art, Content, Design, Pervasive
Crowd sourced: Anyone who is watching it can play along! - Design
No retreat, no surrender: The protagonist is unable to go anywhere but forward, in every situation - Art, Content, Design, Theme
Capture and Play - Bluetooth: Make a game with Bluetooth capabilities in which any bluetooth device near the PC that have the game would interact with something inside the game. (More items, more enemies, another challenger player, or instant co-op, etc) - Code
Take Control:Instead of the usual keyboard and console controllers, your game must use a custom controller - Design, Accessibility
Marco Polo: Create a game that contains no graphical output -- all information is conveyed to the player through audio - Accessibility, Audio
Gandhi’s Game: This game must have zero violence in its game play. Conflicts must have resolutions based on logic - Design, Theme
One hand tied behind my back: Create a game that can be played with only one hand. On mobile just one hand holding and playing at the same time i.e. just play with your thumb. Desktop, mouse only or keyboard only - Accessibility, Design, Serious
Multijammer: Work cooperatively with other GGJ sites within your own timezone - Meta
Story Mode: No cutscenes, textboxes or interruption of gameplay. Use player actions for all your storytelling - Content, Design, Accessibility
Infinite: Your world is procedurally generated - Code, Content
Loudmouth: All audio assets are created by sounds from your mouth - Audio
What was that?: Any sound featured must not be sourced from the object in the game making that sound - Audio
Work and Play: The game requires the player to code/learn to code to progress - Code, Serious
Won’t somebody think of the children?: Your team must use the works from a child or children - Meta
Companion screen: The game uses a mobile device as an additional screen to show a different mode or portion of the game - Code, Design
Common Ground: Make a co-op game playable by players who have very different levels of ability to each other - Accessibility
Twitch Plays (sponsored by Twitch): Create a live streamed game intended to be played concurrently by the masses on Twitch.
Do You Even Care? (sponsored by iThrive Games): Drawing from guidance materials from iThrive's subject matter experts, make a game that teaches empathy to teens.
Menarik bukan? Bagi kamu yang tertarik untuk mengikuti GGJ 2016 ini, langsung saja kunjungi salah satu site berikut ini yang terdekat dengan domisilimu. Beberapa site masih membuka slot pendaftaran, jadi segera bergabung ya!
- Denpasar
- Surabaya
- Malang
- Yogyakarta
- Semarang
- Depok
- Jakarta
- Bandung
- Makassar