Teka Teki Saku, Crossword Puzzle from TouchTen Games which Gives Prize!

To realize that Online to Offline platform, finally TouchTen releases a game titled Teka Teki Saku for Android!

Teka Teki Saku, Crossword Puzzle from TouchTen Games which Gives Prize!

Sometimes ago, we had a chance to write about TouchTen Games’ plan who was ready to launch a new gaming platform for mobile. This new platform is different from other platform because it has special feature which they name as O2O or Online to Offline. In this platform, the TouchTen game users can get and collect virtual point after playing the game which can be changed with the product from several brands who has cooperated with TouchTen. To realize that O2O platform, finally TouchTen releases a game titled Teka Teki Saku for Android!

For you who frequently fill crossword puzzle (Teka Teki Silang – TTS) in magazines, newspaper or special book, this game is suitable for you. Like mostly crossword puzzle, this TouchTen provides across and down column which you have to fill with answer. However, the difference is, this time you will not be given questions in a complete sentence, but it’s only a clue. One question has four clues which each of them can be opened by paying some coins. More expensive the clue is, that will help you more in filling the provided columns.

Teka Teki Saku, Crossword Puzzle from TouchTen Games which Gives Prize!

Running out of coins and still stuck in filling one column? You can ask help from your friends in Facebook or Twitter. Don’t be afraid to run out of coins because your coins will be refilled when you succeed answering one question correctly or finishing a whole crossword puzzle. Besides giving reward as coin to open the clue in the next level, after you complete one crossword puzzle you will also get some TouchTen Points.

Yes, this is the interesting side of this game, because TouchTen Points collected can be changed with various direct prizes from TouchTen, fitted with O2O concept they promise before! To enjoy TouchTen Points and change it with direct prize, you have to login first to TouchTen Platform using your social media. The provided prizes are various, from the dining voucher, hotel to prepaid phone voucher. Even, you can join monthly event with more tempting prizes!

Teka Teki Saku, Crossword Puzzle from TouchTen Games which Gives Prize!

Besides providing the prizes without drawing, this game also provides dome interesting features from trivial which stimulate the brain, various themes that can be replaced and beautify the game’s screen, Tini who is loyal to help you and can be “furious” if you can’t answer the questions correctly, to Star Power Up which makes the game is more exciting. Unfortunately the writer still feels difficulty to login with Facebook to this TouchTen Platform. Hopefully, this problem can be solved in next update.

Teka Teki Saku, Crossword Puzzle from TouchTen Games which Gives Prize!

This Pocket Riddle is already available for Android and you can download it in this page. Besides for Android, rumor has it that TouchTen also prepares iOS version of this game. So what are you waiting for, play the crossword puzzle, collect the points and get the prize!

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