ITB Apprentice Awards Supplies Young Talents to Excite Nation’s Creative Industry

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) proudly presents ITB Apprentice Awards, a prestigious event is held by LSKK STEI ITB as an appreciation for young talents in entire Indonesia who are active in creative industry.

ITB Apprentice Awards Supplies Young Talents to Excite Nation’s Creative Industry

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), the first engineering university proudly presents ITB Apprentice Awards. A prestigious event is held by LSKK STEI ITB as an appreciation for young talents in entire Indonesia who are active in creative industry especially in animation and mobile application.

This program is opened to all students in Indonesia with age limitation 18 to 25 years old, thoroughly this event is supported by The Walt Disney Company, they provide a supportive program for young talents in Indonesia to present their creations. And theme presented in this event is “Bringing Communities Together” with the tagline “Fun, Family, Optimism, Story-telling, Creativity, Innovation and Technology.”

In this event, there are two categories which can be joined, they are Best Animated Short dan Best Mobile Application. Through animation or moving application, the participants is expected to interpret main pillars about fun, family, optimism, story telling, creativity, innovation and technology then pack it uniquely and creatively which later will be presented to global and local community.

The requirements determined for those two categories, for Best Animated Short category are divided to two types, Animatics and Animated Short , video presented should have minimum five minutes duration and maximum eight minutes duration, with sound and music. Then concept book which is presented must have some elements, they are concept (synopsis), character design in which involves all the pictures from all content and expression as a whole, background panel, script, must have storyboard, and other supporting information about how the creation can be widened and potential.

There are some assessment criteria for this category, such as creativity and originality, story telling and presenting, animation quality, character design, voice design, story telling and entertainment quality.

Meanwhile the requirement for Best Mobile Application category, the finished application is complete with binary version and its source code then the complete document contains the application concept and details, there must be screenshot, having objective and targeted users, distribution strategy, wireframe (documents) about the involvement of users and function, selling value tactics from the created application, describe in detail the application marketing strategy and things related with the created application.

Meanwhile the criteria for this category assessment are concept and creativity, application’s quality and design, user’s functionality and involvement, marketing, also selling value strategy.

In this prestigious event of course the prize provided is so tempting, the winners in each category will get cash amounted do US$ 3,000 and internship program for two weeks in The Walt Disney Company Pte. Limited’s office located in Singapore. They will also get additional pocket money amounted to US$ 2,000 with the daily expense accommodation during the internship, nominal for the prize will be US$ 5,000. Remember the end of creation submission for ITB Apprentice Awards will be closed on 31 July 2014. For the participants who get the chance to join internship program will join on October to November 2014 for two weeks.

ITB Apprentice Awards Supplies Young Talents to Excite Nation’s Creative Industry

Dr-Tech Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto, Bandung Institute of Technology’s lecturer states, “Local human resources have equal talent with overseas talent but the quality and variation of Indonesian creative product presentation must be improved in order to fulfill export standard. We are very excited in response of Walt Disney Company Pte. Limited’s support. It is a global leading company in creativity for this event where in the two weeks internship in Singapore can give global knowledge to local’s creation which later can be spread out to the society,” he says.

To be able joining this event you can register yourself in ITB Apprentice Award website and upload your creation. If you have uploaded your creation but you want to change it, don’t worry you can change it before the deadline of this event. For the data maximum size to upload is 100 Mb and it is suggested to compress file in .zip or .rar type.

Use this rare chance to get more experience for your creativity, register your creation soon in this prestigious event!

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