Gaming is a Positive Hobby, Surabaya Mayor Says

Gaming can be a positive hobby if properly supervised and directed. The statement was declared by Surabaya Mayor, Risma Tri Maharani, during Surabaya Animation and Game Expo (SAGE) 2013 at Surabaya Town Square (Sutos).

Gaming is a Positive Hobby, Surabaya Mayor Says

Gaming can be a positive hobby if properly supervised and directed. The statement was declared by Surabaya Mayor, Risma Tri Maharani, during Surabaya Animation and Game Expo (SAGE) 2013 at Surabaya Town Square (Sutos). Other than stated her support, Risma also encourages gamers to dig deeper on gaming knowledge and technology so that they too can make high-quality games.

“Let’s learn from Apple. It started out small and now look, it’s literally everywhere. I believe we can do it too.” said Risma during the event, as quoted from Tempo. Risma also acknowledged that IT holds an important role for the future. Thus, she encourages students and all citizens to participate in this business not only as consumer, but also become the creator by developing games or animated movies with high quality. Other than sending out her encouragement, she also promised to consistently supporting Surabaya youths’ creative works. One of it is by providing guidance and support to obtain patent for their product.

Furthermore, Risma also expresses her appreciation of SAGE 2013 that was specifically prepared by the city administration for Surabaya citizens who love and involved in this creative industry. Risma said that this event can encourage youth to keep innovating. “This event is good for our youth. They better spend their time on this than doing negative things” she stated.

There are 41 teams’ creations exhibited at SAGE 2013. Those teams are from schools at Surabaya and the neighboring area. Other than exhibited, the teams also competed through their creations. There are two categories, game and animated works. There are also several levels based on school level, middle school and high school or vocational school. The presence of games created by Surabaya-based game developers such as ArtLogic Games, Mojiken Studio, I Play All Day and Elven Games also increase the fun level to maximum!