Clash of Gods enters CBT, Download Its Installer Now!

Like the promise stated before, finally in this end of February 2014 they will release Clash of Gods, one of three games confirmed in last IGS 2013.

Clash of Gods enters CBT, Download Its Installer Now!

Starting this 2014, Qeon Intereactive releases its newest game in Indonesia. Yes, like the promise stated before, finally in this end of February 2014 they will release Clash of Gods, one of three games confirmed in last Indonesia Game Show (IGS) 2013. Qeon has determined the release date, where Clash of Gods will enter the phase of Closed Beta Test (CBT) on next 28 February 2014!

Previously, Qeon delayed the release of CBT phase which shouldve been done on the end of 2013. At that time, Qeon stated that the delay was done to give a comprehensive completion to this game. The completion is meant to ensure the Indonesian grammar has been correct, to examine the bug deeper, to test network to find the possibility of lagging, to ensure the client size is not too big, game test in various different computer specification and a lot more technical test that maybe disturb the comfort in playing.

Well, to prepare before the CBT starts, you can start to download its installer file in this web address.  Besides that, Qeon has prepared some events you can join to welcome this CBT event, as mentioned below.

Clash of Gods enters CBT, Download Its Installer Now!

Clash of Gods Install and Win Event

Only by downloading the installer file and play this game, you can get the chance to win various interesting presents, from Playsation 4, Gaming laptop, VGA Gaming and many more. Curious with the way to win it? Just click here  directly to find the event details! This event starts from 8 February 2014 until next 8 May 2014.

Clash of Gods enters CBT, Download Its Installer Now!

Qpon Founders Pack

Clash of Gods Team has interesting offer. They ask to join earlier before hte Open Beta Test (OBT) starts. You can be Clasher who is one step ahead than other Clasers by choosing one of three exclusive Qpon Founders packs. There are three packs provided by Clash of Gods team, they are Panda Pack, Rabbit Pack, and Phoenix Pack, each of them is sold with price Rp 100.000, Rp. 250.000 and Rp. 350.000.

The advantage of Qpon Founders Pack are:

-          Get the exclusive Mount and special Avatar Set

-          This Qpon Founders Pack is not sold in mall item

-          Early Access Bonus (can play one day earlier before Open Beta Clash of Gods started)

To be clear about this event promo and how to get it, you can read the details in this web address.

Interesting, isnt it? Come on don't be late to download and play Clash of Gods!

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