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"Rank went up so fast. Gara2 promo AppoDay ya bro? Moga2 dengan naiknya rank dengan cepat, conversion rate bisa bagus sehingga bisa nanjak juga grossing ranknya. Btw banyak crash report tuh di reviewnya." "Semoga ini bisa jadi spirit booster buat kita semua, bahwasanya menembus top rank AppStore itu masih sangat possible. Tapi spt yg kita tau klo menembus pasar yang kejam spt AppStore itu bukan cuman butuh aspek di luar game yg mantap (spt marketing, user acquisition, promotion, etc.), spt yg kita bicarakan di post ini, tp juga aspek di dalam gamenya itu sendiri harus ga kalah mantapnya. Sekedar saran aja, mungkin bisa memulai diskusi mengenai Infinite Sky-nya itu sendiri, tujuannya tentunya buat share ke semuanya gmana caranya bikin game yg bisa menembus top rank AppStore (aspeknya buanyaaaaak bgt, dr mulai pemilihan tema, gameplay, story, judul, icon, dkk dkk), dan tentunya juga buat menjaring sebanyak mungkin feedback biar bisa makin improve gamenya supaya makin oke. " "Those developers/publishers/marketing firm maybe wrong but it seems to have a burst marketing to boost your app into top 10 (like what infinite sky has done in just couple of days) sounds like a very expensive thing to do. Logically, if it's that easy and cheap then everyone will do it." "Now there are only two explanations here : 1. Most of us really don't know anything about marketing (including those guys in the venture beat article) 2. There's something else?" "Since the appstore is an international market, all of us should really care about one thing only to be able to really compete, which is the quality of our product."