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Karena memang lebih banyak dikenal di Amerika, salah satu layanan storage di awan, Amazon Cloud Drive tidak banyak terderngar di sini. Amazon merilis layanan berbasis cloud computing mereka tersebut pada 29 Maret 2011 lalu, menawarkan space gratis 5 GB. Dan sepaket bersama Cloud Drive ada aplikasi streaming musik Cloud Player, yang memungkinkanmu memainkan file musik di Cloud Drive melalui sembarang komputer atau Droid, tentu saja butuh akses data internet dengan kecepatan lumayan. Kini setahun setelah bercokol di Android, Amazon akhirnya merilis aplikasi Cloud Player khusus mereka untuk iOS, khususnya iPhone dan iPod Touch dengan versi 4.3 atau yang terbaru. Walaupun para pengguna iOS sudah memiliki iTunes, namun pasti banyak juga yang keberatan dengan aturan DRM yang melekat pada aplikasi iOS tersebut. Dan dengan Cloud Player ini, memang kamu tidak bisa membeli lagu langsung dari sana, namun setidaknya file AAC yang kamu beli melalui iTunes bisa ditransfer ke sana, dan dimainkan melalui Cloud Drive. Berikut ini press release Amazon untuk Cloud Player iOS mereka.
Amazon Cloud Player App Now Available for iPhone & iPod touch SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ:AMZN) –, Inc. today announced its Amazon Cloud Player App for iPhone and iPod touch is now available on the App Store. The app allows customers to stream or download music stored in Cloud Player to their iPhone or iPod touch, play music that is already stored on their device, and manage or create playlists. "Customers tell us that they want access to all of their music, wherever they are, and on all of the devices they use" "Customers tell us that they want access to all of their music, wherever they are, and on all of the devices they use," said Steve Boom, Vice President of Digital Music for Amazon. "By bringing Cloud Player to iPhone and iPod touch, we now have the most widely compatible cloud playback solution available, giving our customers the ability to buy once and enjoy their music everywhere." Customers using the Amazon Cloud Player App can stream, download, and manage their music in the cloud, eliminating the need to download files before playing them. With this new app, customers have full access to their Cloud Player music libraries and also can seamlessly add playlists that are currently on their iPhone or iPod touch. All Amazon customers automatically start with 5 GB of free storage to begin uploading their digital music library to Cloud Player, and for a limited time, those who purchase any storage plan will receive unlimited space for MP3 and AAC (.m4a) music files at no additional cost. The Amazon Cloud Player App is available for free from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at Apple App Store