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You don’t want it if your creation is being claimed by other people, right? Plagiarism act is indeed a fatal intellectual property right crime. Art world which develops very quickly demands us to protect artwork from the artist and writer from artwork theft formed in plagiarism. This problem can cause the artwork from artist and writer not to be recognized. In order the artist and designer are recognized in their beneficial artwork for the society, copyright and patent are created to protect the creators. As an example the case that happens in society is the piracy of software which always becomes problem in our country and of course there are other cases in society. Therefore, copyright is very important in creating an artwork. To prevent the similar thing to happen continuously, to support the contributors to creative industry, government creates an award program which named “Anugerah Kekayaan Intelektual Luar Biasa (AKIL – Extraordinary Intellectual Property Grant) Year 2014” and supported by 5 Ministries such as Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (KEMENRISTEK – Ministry of Research and Technology), Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (KEMENKUMHAM – Ministry of Law and Human Rights), Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (MENPAREKRAF – Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy), Kementerian Perdagangan (KEMENDAG – Ministry of Trade), dan Kementerian Pertanian (Ministry of Agriculture). “The purpose of giving this grant is to create society’s culture to create and appreciate intellectual artwork as well as creative and innovative culture in order to improve the national competitiveness. There are four categories that will be given in this award, those are:
- Patent category
- Plant variety protection category
- Copyright in science field category
- Industry design, art copyright, performance artwork and interactive game category