Advance Guard: The Community for All Fighting Game Fans!

Are you a fighting game fan but had not found the right community? We suggest you to join Advance Guard, a fighting game fans community without limited by certain game title. Let’s find out more about this community from our conversation with Advance Guard’s leader, Bram Arman a.k.a Aho!

Are you a fighting game fan but had not found the right community? We suggest you to join Advance Guard, a fighting game fans community without limited by certain game title. Let’s find out more about this community from our conversation with Advance Guard’s leader, Bram Arman a.k.a Aho!

D: Can you share to us how Advance Guard begun?herehereD : What’s behind the Advance Guard name? What is the philosophy?D: How many members Advance Guard has at its start?

AG: At the time it was started, we have Garlic (Adipati Rahmat), Liz (Lizanias Mainake), Mask10 (Andre Fransisco), Jozdrumz (Joshua Pamintori), and Aho (Bram Arman).

D : Was this community started from liking the same game title?D: Currently, how many members Advance Guard has?D: Is Advance Guard associated with other fighting game community in Indonesia and overseas?D: What are Advance Guard’s activities? Did you guys held gathering often?D: Advance Guard was present during JGS 2013, is participating in such events already included in Advance Guard’s fixed schedule?D: Is joining a tournament has become a regular activity?D: What is Advance Guard members’ biggest achievement?

D: Is there any game title restriction for Advance Guard members or they were free to play any game?D: What is Advance Guard members’ favorite game?

AG: Most members likes Tekken, Street Fighter, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, BlazBlue, King of Fighter, Soul Calibur, Persona Arena, Injustice, and Guilty Gear series.

D: What do you think about the growth of fighting game fans in Indonesia?D: What is Advance Guard’s future plan? Is there any set target that you guys want to achieve?D: Is there any plan to open Advance Guard’s rep in other cities?D : Is someone required to  be a great player or have remarkable skill to be an Advance Guard member?D : Where can we contact Advance Guard?advanceguard@advanceguardtvadvanceguardtvadvanceguardtv