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Duniaku Checkpoint cooperates with Kenken Cashern Olstore to hold Toukiden Jakarta Tournament in Tokio Kitchen Central Park on Sunday, 6 April 2014. This tournament starts on 12 am and is followed by 18 participants. Rules implemented in this tournament are:
- Tournamnet which starts consists of several teams, and each team consists of the members who are randomly chosen.
- Game played is Toukiden: Age of Demons from PS Vita
- The system is time attack, where the fastest team in killing Oni in the mission wins this.
- All parts from Oni that becomes the target must be destroyed, if not all parts destroyed, the team gets penalty for two minutes from each undestroyed part.
- All Slayers have to finish Single Player quest at least until Phase 7.
- DLC equipment is allowed to be used.
- Level 3 w.eapon No Fortify uses maximum two (2) Mitama.
- No Fortify level 3 armor.
- Mitama is free to be upgraded.
- The committee’s decision is absolute and cannot be changed.
- Galih, Ivan, Yufensius
- Juan Wei, Arif, Fauzan