Let’s Join Global Game Jam Jogjakarta 2014!

Jogjakarta becomes the second site for Global Game Jam (GGJ) 2014 from Indonesia after the application is approved by GGJ’s central organizer.

Following Jakarta, Jogjakarta becomes the second site for Global Game Jam (GGJ) 2014 from Indonesia after the application is approved by GGJ’s central organizer. Global Game Jam Jogjakarta 2014 will be held at the same time with other site in Indonesia and worldwide, from 24 January 2014 to 26 January 2014. The event will take place at the same time with JGJ48 last year at Jogja Digital Valley (JDV) Sagan, Kartini Street 7 Sagan,Jogjakarta. Previously organizing JGJ48 is surely a great experience for the organizer in facing this year’s GGJ. Other than developing a game for 48 hours straight with other sites, GGJ Jogjakarta will also have some additional session, such as MeetupGameLan that will present two speakers, Agro Rachmatullah (Meibi Studio) with a talk session titled “Developing a Game Studio in Japan” and Yogi Aditya (Hinocyber) for the session titled “Post Mortem : Kitaria Defense Online”. “There’s no specific requirement. As long as they can spare 48 hours to participate, newbies, pros, even people with zero experience, are welcomed to participate.” said Jogjakarta region organizer FridaDwi (Ube) to Duniaku.net Ube also adds that the participants will get the standard facilities that can assist them in developing game during the 48 hours in JDV. Similar to other sites, to join Global Game Jam Jogjakarta, you can follow the steps below:

  • Register to regional organizer by filling out the registration form here.
  • Register to GGJ’s official website
  • Joining Jogjakarta site on GGJ’s official website
Ube also reveals her hope on Jogjakarta’s participation in GGJ 2014. “We hope all participants can feel how fun it is to develop a game and started to develop their own game.” she said. Still wonder what GGJ is? “In GGJ, several developers gather together in one place. They might come from different backgrounds (programmer, art, music, designer, story,etc). Each participant comes as an individual and not as team. At the D-Day, the theme will be announced and the participants should create a game using that theme.” said Kris Antoni, GGJ Jakarta organizer and Toge Productions CEO. “After the theme is announced, the participants are allowed to form a team. The team forming process can be different at each site since each site has different participant number, culture, and habit. Once the team formed, the participants can create a game within the 48-hour time limit.” he continued. You are at Jogjakarta or its neighboring cities and wanted to develop a game together with other Jogjakarta-based game developers and other developers worldwide? Register soon!