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GGJ 2014 masih akan terus berlangsung hingga hari Minggu besok, 26 Januari 2014. Game yang dibuat selama dua hari penuh ini nantinya akan di-submit ke panitia pusat, dan bisa dimainkan oleh siapapun juga secara gratis. sendiri memantau pelaksanaan GGJ 2014 di dua site, di Jakarta yang diadakan di Inixindo, serta di Surabaya yang digelar di Mojiken Studio. Bagaimana suasana pelaksanaan GGJ 2014 di masing-masing kota? Seperti apa game-game yang mereka hasilkan selama dua hari? Berikut ini adalah link menuju liputan untuk masing-masing regional. - Global Game Jam 2014 Jakarta - Day 1 - Global Game Jam 2014 Jakarta - Day 2 - Global Game Jam 2014 Jakarta - Day 3 - Global Game Jam 2014 Surabaya - Game-game Hasil Karya Jammer Surabaya - Global Game Jam 2014 Jogjakarta - Global Game Jam 2014 Bali - Global Game Jam 2014 Semarang - Global Game Jam 2014 Bandung - Global Game Jam 2014 Depok
- Back to the 1885. The game could have been built and played in the 19th century.
- Can You Come And Play? The game has a local multi-player mode.
- Design, Create, Play. All the content in the game is procedurally created, including graphics and sound.
- Hackontroller. The game must use a custom controller invented by the team, or use an existing controller in unconventional manner.
- Homo Sapiens are Boring. The game is meant to be played by cats.
- Honor Aaron Swartz. The game only uses materials found in the public domain.
- I am who I want to be. The game has characters, but nothing in their design suggests a gender.
- Inclusive. The game is specifically designed to be accessible to one or more groups of gamers with disabilities - vision, motor, hearing or cognitive impairments.
- Rebels Learns it Better. In this educational game a hidden learning path is provided for those who oppose the given rules.
- Round and Round. Rotation is one of the primary mechanics in the game.
- The Ultimate Bechdel Test Survivor. The game survives all three conditions of the Bechdel test.
- You Only Live Thrice. The player only has 3 lives and each level starts over when you die.
- You Say it! The game utilises audio produced by the player either recording or instructing player to make sounds.
- Activist . The game uses Candy or Saga or both.