Agate Studio Launched Valthirian Arc 2 on Kongregate!

Bandung-based developer, Agate Studio, once again launched a new game. This time they released a sequel of Valthirian Arc called Valthirian Arc 2 that can be played at Kongregate.

Bandung-based developer, Agate Studio, once again launched a new game. This time they released a sequel of Valthirian Arc called Valthirian Arc 2 that can be played at Kongregate since last month. Duniaku had tried this game several times, during Casual Connect 2013 through Indie Showcase, Game Developer Gathering 2013, and INAICTA 2013. Valthirian Arc 2 continues several mechanisms from Valthirian Arc and offers several new additions for its quest gameplay, also using an engine that developed from scratch. In this game, you will play as an academy’s headmaster where the academy’s name can be customized as you wish. To run the academy, you have to build several rooms in it and broaden the academy, if necessary. To get a student, you have to build a classroom with 4-students capacity. These students can also be the party member for the quests that you will enter. These quests have several different goals, from killing monsters to obtaining items in a dungeon. While doing the mission, you can bring four people in a party. They will explore the area and automatically attack nearby enemies. Other option available is you can click the enemy when you want all members to attack it. Each member also has Ultimate Attack that can be launched when the Ultimate meter is full. Similar with other RPG, you can customize your party members by choosing their name as you wish and giving them equipment to make them stronger. Other than mission, there are many things that can be done in the academy. You can build rooms that can help your students to grow stronger, also recruiting more students. Other than adding new crowd in the building, the presence of new students will give you more options on who will be taken in a mission. Since the new students’ level is low, you have to send them in easier mission to build their strength. The longer you play, the Academy Simulation mode will be more complex with more rooms to build and more students in it. Other than Academy Simulation, this game also upgraded significantly from its prequel, especially from the visual graphic. Interested in Valthirian Arc 2? You can play this game through Kongregate portal here.