Namco Bandai Konfirmasikan Tanggal Rilis Tales of Symphonia Chronicles

Namco Bandai telah mengkonfirmasikan tanggal rilis Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, baik untuk Eropa maupun Amerika Utara.

Tales of Symphonia ChroniclesTales of Symphonia ChroniclesTales of SymphoniaTales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New WorldTales of Symphonia ChroniclesStarry HeavensTales of Symphonia ChroniclesTales of SymphoniaStarry HeavensSoshite Boku ni Dekiru KotoTales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New WorldNinin SankyakuTales of Symphonia ChroniclesTales of Symphonia Unisonant PackTales of SymphoniaTales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New WorldTales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New WorldTales of VesperiaTales of VesperiaTales of XilliaTales of Xillia[ Sumber : Gematsu (2 ), Siliconera (2 ) ]